woman holding map

Physically Busy But Mentally Bored

Life is all go, go, go! Do the dishes and the mopping between the kids needing snacks and naps. Always keep you hopping. But you are bored out of your mind even though you have a million things you should or could be doing.

You never have any motivation to do all the things, because tomorrow the exact same things will need to be done again. You are over being physically busy but mentally bored. It feels like nothing ever gets done.

selective focus photography of woman feeding baby

Celebrate The Physically Busy

Let’s start by giving you credit for what you are getting done. I’m guessing you kept the kids alive. Its a very good possibility they got fed and are wearing clothes. Maybe you chaged 10 diapers today and got 45 snacks out. Perhaps some dishes and laundry got done. Think back thru your day and write down everything you did today. Especially the mundane every day stuff. You will be amazed at what you actually did get done.

woman holding map

Dream Again

But now lets make a list of things you want to do. If you didn’t have time restraints, kids, or money limitations, what would you want to do? Dream both big and small! Nothing is off limits.

Maybe you want to enjoy a Pepsi or Diet Coke all by yourself. Perhaps you want to travel to Italy. Or maybe you want to get together with friends and just hang out. Can you come up with 50 things you WANT to do? Not need to do or should do, but just want to because it sounds fun.

a dining room with a table and chairs

Make It Happen

Now pick a couple things off that list to do. Take those things and break them down into steps of what needs to happen for them to happen. Maybe that trip to Italy means you need to save money, so you might start to budget. Or you have a wall you want to change up? Need to look for inspiration on Pinterest or in magazines, pick a design and color scheme, get the supplies, etc.

When you have your list made start scheduling in your results. Maybe you put it on the calendar that you will go to the store and get paint supplies today and tomorrow during nap time or screen time you will prep the wall to paint.

woman carrying child while standing near trees at daytime

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Promise yourself small results. If you get more done that is a bonus, but can set small increments you know you can accomplish. Write it down on your calendar and do it. Now you have something to look forward to. Looking forward to something can create some excitement in your mundane life.

Pre-planning also helps it to actually happen instead of scrolling on your phone or binging Netflix. I know you can find somethings to get excited about in life again. If you are having a hard time dreaming, then jump on a call with me. Together we can get you dreaming again. Sometimes having someone to help you get started is just what you need.

May you find excitement in your life again!

Until Next Time


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