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How to Stop Hating Yourself

woman sitting while looking at the sunset

Self Hatred

Oh my goodness I am such a chunk. I’m just not a patient mom. I will never figure out how to have a clean house. My hair is blah. I just want to look decent. I’m a hot mess express and will always be.

Do you say things like this to yourself? Do you say things to yourself that you would never say to your best friend? Why do we do that? I would say some of us even bully ourselves.

You think if you are real with yourself then you will improve. And maybe momentarily you do. But does that change ever stick long term when it comes from self hate? I know for me it doesn’t.

Sometimes I can willpower thru for awhile and then it gets worse when I relapse. For example, if I hate how fat I am, I might stick to a diet for a couple weeks. Then after the couple weeks, I fall back off the band wagon and not only gain what I had lost back, but then I add on some more pounds.

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Self Love is the Key

Self hatred doesn’t get us where we want to be. It drives us backwards often. What if you just learned to love yourself just like you are?

What if I approached my weight loss journey from a place of love instead. That might look like looking at myself in the mirror and coming up with three things I’m grateful for about my body daily as a first step. Maybe things like I love my blue eyes, this body got me thru some really hard pregnancies, and it functions like it should.

Then when I get good at that, I can start modifying my food intake and exercise from a place of I love you body and I want to take care of you.

Love for everyone in the story is the goal. Love for your past self, present self, and future self. How can you love and appreciate each one of those girls?

This works for the mom who yells too much, the wife who can’t keep her house clean, or sister-in-law who can’t seem to remember birthdays. Start by figuring out how to love yourself. Not in a selfish, I am better than everyone else kind of way. But a I understand what you’ve been thru and appreciate how you did your best in the situation kind of way.

If loving yourself seems hard and undoable, you may need a life coach to help you walk thru this process. I’d love to chat with you for 30 minutes for free about this. Simply click on this link and schedule a time that works for you. You’ve got this girl! You are valuable and loved just as you are.

Until Next Time


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