woman wearing blue denim jacket

Discover Who You Really Are by Spending Time Alone

Does spending time alone feel like a selfish thing to do? What if I told you it is actually the solution to your problems. Are you feeling anxious and unsettled as a stay at home mom? You are physically busy, but mentally bored out of your mind? All the while not knowing how to solve your ill ease.

Instead it is coming out with you being a grouchy mom who just wants to hide away watching Netflix, scrolling your phone, shopping on-line, or emotional eating. What if I told you that you needed to learn who you are and what you like. Does that sound like something you could benefit from?

woman in white near calm body of water

Alone Time

Maybe in the past you have even taken my advice to start asking yourself what do I want? And you still don’t know what you want. Life is too busy with what the kids need for you to have time to think about this.

Perhaps some alone time to think is exactly what you need. It can look many different ways. Maybe you start out by hiding in your bedroom while the kids watch TV and you start a hobby. Or you go do something by yourself: out to dinner, shopping, a movie, etc. What do you want to go do. If you can make it happen, you could even go on a trip all by yourself.

woman in gray sweater and blue denim jeans sitting on gray couch

Get Uncomfortable To Find Answers

The secret here is to find time alone. Get uncomfortable and bored. What is it that you want? If money and time weren’t an issue, what would you do? What are your passions? What were your dreams and passions before you had kids? Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Growth happens in the uncomfortable part. You aren’t growing and learning about yourself while you fold the laundry at home. That may be uncomfortable too, but it isn’t pushing you discover who you are. You need the self discovery discomfort.

You can choose which discomfort to step into. The kind that familiar and comforting while being uncomfortable or the kind that pushes for growth. Either way life has some discomfort in it. Pick your hard.

Still struggling to find out who you are and what you want in life. Talk to a life coach. They are trained to help you figure it out. Sometimes all you need is someone on the outside to point out what you can’t see. If you’d like to chat with me about it schedule a free 30 minute call. Simply click on this link to pick a time that works for you.

Until Next Time


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