woman in blue sweater using white earbuds

Are You in a Funk with the Kids Back in School?

Are you feeling depressed and down now that all your kids are in school? Still feeling like life is monotous and boring, only difference is its quiet at home now? Let’s talk about how to overcome that monotony.

Feeling like life is the same old, same old everyday can leave you in a depression and funk. You now have time to do whatever you want but you aren’t doing it. Instead you are either scrolling your phone and watching Netflix all day or you are still doing chores all day.

I know this year I sent all the kids off to school, excited for time to myself. But I quickly found myself bored and lonely. I wasn’t doing what I wanted to do or what I needed to do either. I just wanted to sit around and mope.

So I am going to teach you three things that got me out of that funk. It can get you out too.

pruning woman holding globe

1. Dream

You are used to all your time going to your kiddos and house work. It seems scary to really dream about what you want in life. What you can do with that free time. You can just imagine getting your hopes up and then having them crushed.

I’m giving you permission to finally dream about what you want to do. No it’s not selfish to have your own desires. Maybe in the beginning, you start off with a nap or reading a book. Relishing being able to finish a thought without interruption. Or maybe you really want to get that house clean and enjoy it while the kids are school. Start with the dreams you know you have.

But then I urge you to push yourself. If money, time, and family were not an issue, what would you do? Make a list of all the options. Sometimes we can look at things we used to enjoy doing, but don’t be afraid to come up with new ideas too. How can you start trying out some of these ideas?

woman writing using pen

2. Plan

Now that you have an idea of what you might want to do, I encourage you to pencil it into your calendar. I know for me knowing that I have a time planned for me, makes it easier to do the dishes AGAIN. But knowing that I have a time to do the dishes scheduled makes it easier to really enjoy that fun thing.

For example, I do the dishes, prep dinner, and a load of laundry first thing in the morning. Then I can go on do what I want to with the rest of my day. I know the basics are covered and their is time for me in the afternoon as well.

Maybe you schedule it on your calendar every week or maybe you make a routine that works for you. Or maybe its a combination of both. But schedule in time for what you want to do!

smiling woman raising hands

3. Get Excited

You might feel nervous as you start implementing these changes. That is normal. Your brain’s job is to make life easier and save energy. Well it takes more energy to think about things you want to do and find time for them. Congratulations! Your brain is working just like it should.

But what if you do it even if you are nervous? What if you just felt nervous and didn’t push it away. All while noticing how nervous and excitement can feel very similar in your body. Maybe instead of being nervous you are just excited? Could that be possible?

Look for things you are excited about in your life. Are you excited you have the mental capacity to notice the beauty outside while you drive home from school drop off? Are you excited for the quiet? Or are you excited to have time to look into a book club to join?

As you focus on looking for things to be excited about, you will naturally be more excited. The brain wants to be right, so its always on the lookout for ways it is correct.

Let me know what you are going to start doing now that you have more free time? What are you getting excited about? Drop me an email or DM. I’d love to hear all about it!

Until Next Time


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