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Are You Causing Yourself Extra Emotional Pain?

Do you look at different options and see the grass is greener on the other side. If I were a mom who didn’t yell then I’d be a better mom. Or if I could loose that extra baby weight then I would be happy. If I could just stick to a cleaning routine then I’d have time to spend with my kids. What if I could stay home from work then I could be the mom I wanted to to be.

woman in orange long sleeve shirt sitting beside table with macbook pro

See the Whole Picture

But are you taking time to see the whole picture or just the part you want to see. Life is 50 percent great and 50 percent hard. No matter the situation. Let’s take a look working versus not working.

If you work, you get that break from your kids you are dying for. You can have something besides being a mom to fulfill you. But you miss out on time with your kids. You are tired in the evenings after work when you finally get to see your kiddos.

Staying home you get more time with your kiddos, but finances may be tighter. You may be lacking in something that fulfills you besides kids. You become physically busy, but mentally bored.

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Are You Causing Extra Pain

Both scenarios are both a blessing in your life and hard. When you dream of changing the situation, do you look at both sides of both coins. Do you acknowledge that it’s going to also be good and challenging.

After you look at both sides of both scenarios, you have a better view to make choices from. Do you really want that change or were you just daydreaming about the positive side? When we only look at the positive of what we want, we can cause ourselves unnecessary pain.

Our current life seems more dramatic while the other choice looks like sunshine and rainbows. It’s like when we get on social media and compare our challenges to someone else’s best moments. This is an unfair evaluation which can cause us more pain.

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Mindset Shifts

So I encourage you to look at both the good and hard that will come if you actually make that change. Know your brain comes along with that change also. Your tendencies to think a certain way or do certain things. So changing the circumstance doesn’t always make you feel better. Get the full picture before putting the work to change it. Maybe a simple mindset shift can create the relief you are looking for instead.

Need help knowing if a mindset shift would be helpful. Or what you could even shift it too? Hop on a free 30 minute call with me and lets take a look at it together. Simply use this link to schedule a time that works for you.

Until Next Time


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