woman holding black pocket watch at 5:30

Creating Time for Myself

As a stay at home mom, time for myself is hard to come by. Especially if you are just hoping it will show up in your life. Let’s be intentional and make time in your life for you mama.

woman carrying baby in striped shirt

1. Know the Importance

If you don’t understand the importance of time for yourself, it’s hard to make it happen. Life as a mom has a lot of demands on you. And me time will feel like another one.

Time to yourself leaves you feeling refreshed. Refreshed moms have more patience and willingness to help kiddos. Your mental health is just as important if not more so than your kiddos. They learn how to be in the world based off of you mama. Do you want to teach them they aren’t important? Cause that is what’s happening when you don’t take time for you.

I’m not saying you have to take days or even hours if you don’t want to. Start out small with ten minutes here or there. But taking time for yourself is healthy for your whole family, particullarly you mama.

man in black and white striped long sleeve shirt holding baby in white shirt on beach

2. Set Priorities

I’m guessing if I asked what your priorities are you would state something like your family or kids. Where are you on your priorities list? Do you even make the list? You can’t find time for you, if it isn’t important to you.

Don’t believe? Let’s try an experiment. Let’s prioritize you for a week, just ten minutes a day. Decide the night before what you are going to do tomorrow for yourself and when. Do something that brings you joy or comfort. What is it that you need in your life right now. After a week do you feel any different about yourself or your kids? I’m going to bet that you do.

selective focus photography of woman resting hands on table

3. Stir the Pot

Don’t be afraid to mix things up a bit. You may have to ask for your spouse to watch the kids for 15 minutes, let them watch an extra episode of cartoons, or bring out special toys they only get when mom gets alone time.

Our brains like to look to the past for proof of how the future will go. And that’s ok. It’s simply doing its job. But don’t be afraid to look for new ways to make time for you. Maybe they seem impossible. That’s ok. Make a list of all of them. Don’t judge them. Once you have a list start trying some of them. You’re right some of them wont actually work, but some will.

Think of it like a science experiment and do some testing. Stir the pot or switch it up. A little tweak can make a big difference.

Still not sure how to make time for yourself? Lucky for you, that is what I specialize in. Join a free call with me and together we can start getting you some me time. Simply click this link to pick a time that works for you.

Until Next Time


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