two person holding hands while standing

23 Ways to Improve Your Relationship

couple standing face to face closely to each other

Marriage is Hard Sometimes

Marriages ebb and flow. At times, they are progressing exceptionally well. Other times, it seems like a chore to be married.

You feel like roommates rather than lovers. Or simply co-parents. Everything you discuss is about the logistics of how to keep the kids taken care of. You don’t know when the last time was that you went on a date. Or if you went on a date, it was quiet and awkward because you didn’t know what to discuss. Flirting feels weird and hard.

man and woman hugging each other

An Easy Fix

I got you, girl. I’ve been here more times than I care to count. I would define it as the stale roommate stage. I can’t put my finger on something particular being wrong, but I’m not happy with where we are at either. This can sit on low and simmer for years if you don’t do something about it. But it is easier to fix than you might think.

A simple mindset shift in your own brain can turn over a new leaf. We create our experience in life by how we think of it. So here is a list of 23 things you can ponder to help your marriage turn a page.

  1. Remind yourself what you like about him.

  2. Give him a different compliment each day.

  3. Remember your favorite dates you’ve had.

  4. Remember why you fell in love with him.

  5. Why is he good-looking?

  6. Why is he a good parent?

  7. What makes him a good spouse?

  8. What did he do today to make your life better?

  9. If you had time, what would you love to do with him?

  10. How are you a better person because of him?

  11. If you had to give him a new nickname, what would it be and why?

  12. What is your favorite part of his personality?

  13. How can I show my love for him better?

  14. How does he like me to show love to him?

  15. What about him is going to make a great grandparent?

  16. How does he provide for our family (think beyond his job)?

  17. What is my favorite story of us from when we were dating?

  18. How does he like to flirt with me?

  19. What does he do that makes me blush?

  20. If he were gone tomorrow, what would I miss about him the most?

  21. How does he make my day better?

  22. What can I do to make his day better?

  23. Have I told him lately what he means to me?

Did this list change your perspective on your relationship? Let me know your thoughts on this exercise. Was it useful or not? Shoot me an email or leave a comment and let me know.

Until Next Time


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