
Find JOY in Motherhood

Stop feeling like you’re missing out on life beyond motherhood.

Feeling Unsettled in Motherhood?

Are you the mama who feels lost since having babies? Everyone knows you as your kids’ mom or husband’s spouse. What happened to the person I used to be?

Like when someone asks you what you like to do for fun, and you don’t know what to say. Or the only thing you dream about doing in free time is napping or peeing alone. You find yourself wishing you could go back to the person you were before getting married and having kids because she knew how to have fun.

Life coaching can help you find yourself again. Finding yourself leads to having joy in the motherhood journey. Come back to who you you.

Hi, I'm Keira! Nice to meet you!

Ways You Can Experience More Joy

Become a Happy Mama

Happy moms make better moms. When you learn to deal with those icky feeling emotions, you create the ability to feel more joyous emotions. Let the good times roll!

Improved Relationships

Learning about how relationships really work empowers you to have the relationships you want. Despite what the other person is doing or not doing. Who doesn’t want better relationships?

Be Your Own Person

Self discovery exercises teach you how to dream again. With dreams of your own, you can be more than just a mom again. You can be you and a mom at the same time. All in a way that works for you.

How It all Works

woman sitting on floor and leaning on couch using laptop

1. Free Consult Call

In a Consult Call you will meet me, Keira. We will discuss if and how coaching can help your specific situation. This is a no pressure call. It is okay to say no thanks or heck yes let’s work together.

2. Work One-on-One with Me

You and I will meet up once a week via Zoom. Together we will work on any current issues that are bothering you, learn new skills, and celebrate your progress. You show up and I come prepared to help you.

3. Feel More Joy in Life

As we work together, you notice life changing. You will experience more joy and feel frustrated less. Everything will change without changing any of the situations in your life. It’ll be amazing!


She helped me to understand my own brain and gave me techniques and exercises to get the results I wanted in my life. Keira helped me to see things so different and changed my life in so many ways!
Mom of 4,
Keira has the ability to take an everyday thought and turn it into your lightbulb moment. She has and continues to help me transform my life one thought at a time.
Mom of 2,
Keira has a calm, gentle way of coaching. She stops all of your mind drama with a simple phrase. She helps you simplify your life and helps you find peace and calm.
Mom of 6,
  • One on One Coaching
  • Private Weekly Zoom Calls
  • Explore Your Wants
  • Become Your Own Best Friend
  • Learn to Love Yourself
  • Self Confidence
  • Find Joy in Life 
  • Explore Emotions
  • Create the Life You Want
  • Learn Your Own Parenting Style
  • Better Your Relationships: kids, spouse, in-laws, etc.
  • Achieve Your Goals


  • How long does it take to see results in my life?

Some clients see results after the free consult call others may take a month. It depends on your situation.

  • What if I don’t know exactly what I want help with? I just know that something needs to change in my life.

It is okay if you don’t know what you want to work on. Keira can help you explore what you might want to work on. Sometimes starting with knowing what you don’t want is a great place to start too.

  • What do I need to do to be prepared for a coaching session?

You just need to show up with an open mind. Keira will take care of the rest of the prep. If you have something specific bothering you, you may bring that to a session. In that case, you will give a simple summary of what is going on. 

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